Mechanical Models
We have models in several categories, including Locks, Engines, Cars and Car Components, Clocks, and Mathematical Demonstrations. Please browse our selection below and click on any model for full details, including videos.
We also offer exciting combination packs that include one of my two mechanically-oriented books, How Things Work and Engines, which describe how many of these mechanisms work. The book and kit of your choice come gift-wrapped in custom printed wrapping paper featuring items from both books.
These models demonstrate the two most common forms of lock mechanism: pin-tumbler, and combination. Each style is available either as a pure demonstration model, or with the lock built into a semi-useful object that demonstrates how it can be applied.
Complete Cars
These models show, in transparent 3D form, the key ideas behind the major mechanical components in an internal combustion engine car. All the parts work, including the engine (with LEDs for simulated spark plugs), steering wheel, gear shift, and differential. Electric motors can be added to make the models run on their own.
These models demonstrate the key features of internal combustion engines and steam engines. By turning them slowly through their cycles you can see the role of timing in the operation of the engine. A distributor and LEDs simulate the spark plugs in the internal combustion engines.
Car Components
These kits include a fully functional battery-powered clock that tells time, and several variations of gear chains that do not run on their own, but are fun to spin by hand to learn about how compound gear chains can speed up or slow down rotational motion.